Monday, March 7, 2011

Thanks Colonel Sanders

For the first time ever, Ridge complimented dinner. On his way to bed, "mom, that sure was a good dinner we had tonight!" It is always when I put my best foot forward that the boys are completely and silently enthralled with the meal.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Good news, loyal followers! There is a Starbucks near Ridge's apartment (6-100) in California AND he has an apartment in Texas.

I, for one, am way more relaxed now about that big for sale sign in the yard.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Good News

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sawyer Sayings

Sawyer has so much funny stuff to say these days. Last night he was looking at a book. (He loves to "read" and will do it quietly and independently for minutes on end.) The book showed an illustration of baby Moses in a basket in the river. He brought it to me and said, "oh no mommmy! Help baby!" He may have a more kind heart than he lets on.

He also told me this morning, "I stirsty." I love that word. It's right there with Ridge's badeddi. They'll likely go to college saying these things because we never correct it.