Friday, March 30, 2012

Sawyer came running out of the bathroom this evening, pants around his ankles and hollering, "help me mama!!" He then showed me the measuring tape in the toilet and confirmed what I suspected/feared...he was measuring what he'd produced.

Gross is such an understatement.

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Location:True story

Monday, March 26, 2012

Sawyer Beaner

When Sawyer was just an itty bitty thing, we took to calling him Soybean. It evolved to "The Bean," "Beaner," "Little Bean"...all manner of pet name spin offs. He got really serious about it as soon as he could talk and insisted that his name was SawyerBeaner; calling him Sawyer Wayne or Sawyer Hancock...well, them's fightin' words. So, this past weekend, we're at one of his classmate's 3-year birthday celebration and a mom asks if my last name is Beano because her kid always talks about his buddy Sawyer Beano. Why does he even need to offer up a last name to his contemporaries? Sheesh. Nutty nutty kid.

Monday, March 5, 2012


Ridge randomly informed Tere and I over dinner tonight that we should start using the Tom Thumb pharmacy because they offer Rewards. What in the world?

Naturally, we asked what kinds of rewards did he think they offered. He thought about it for a good long while and said, "I don't know. I guess free medicine and stuff like that."

Is 5 when you start learning about loyalty programs these days?

Saturday, March 3, 2012

He loves me? He loves me not?

Good news...Tere is back in Ridge's good graces! (Not that he was ever out...but love notes are always nice.)

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Friday, March 2, 2012

Tere says to Ridge today, "pick your clothes up and put them in the hamper. You know Mama's not your maid." (I'm not sure why he left himself out of the equation.) and Ridge says, "that's right, she is the chef."

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Location:Roles & responsibilities