Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Smarshsmello coconut careecio

On Sunday, Sawyer started his campaign for smarshsmellow coconu careecio. We tried and tried to figure out what he was saying. Monday morning he continued. Ridge was smirking, and eventually came to everyone's aid and interpreted. He was saying marshmallow to cocoa ratio. Something they picked up from the movie Rio. (Starbucks should put it on their menu. Sounds fancy.)

I told him it wasn't going to happen on account of it being 107 right now. Then I found one lonely packet of cocoa, so this morning it was on. Sawyer's response, "it's not summer anymore?"

For all who are wondering about the perfect cocoa to marshmallow ratio...it's 1:6.

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Eye yi yi!

Guess which of the Hancock boys wins the ER frequent flier competition? The unlikely winner is Ridge! This is old news now but worth documenting. At the end of a weekend with a house full of boys, including our good friends the Mitchells, Ridge tripped on his trundle, hit the bed and got a good gash so very close to his eye. He was a super trooper about getting taped and glued back together. It's been over a week now and that stuff is just barely coming off.

Bubble wrapping them now so they can be their cutest for a visit to Great Grammy and our Aunts in California in a few weeks.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Last of the potty training posts

We are nearly entirely diaper/pull up free! Sawyer is holding it through the night, for the most part. Alternatively, he gets up to go at odd hours of the morning and announces to the whole house his intentions. We woke up at 4:30 today to a very loud, "I'm going potty!" Great buddy...thanks for letting us know.

Look how big this baby is...

Much more regrettably, he is also just about done napping...at least for any designated, prolonged period. Here he is crashed on the couch.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My Destiny

I was summoned to the boys bathroom last night for rear wiping assistance. When I got in there, I was greeted by Sawyer, atop the bathroom counter, naked from the waist down and wearing a cowboy hat, exclaiming, "Welcome destiny! It's the Dallas Zoo!"

Ain't that right?

I figured out later he was probably saying, "open sesame." It's hard to tell sometimes with that lisp.