Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Ridgely Bear on the loose at the Dallas Zoo

Guess who got lost during the kindergarten field trip yesterday? This guy...

He found a police officer (Or a police officer found him? I am not sure.) and got reconnected with the group within five minutes. I understand the chaperones were panicked. His teacher didn't know until later. I am rather glad I didn't know until it was resolved. Scary. Hopefully he learned a a safe and familiar environment. He doesn't seem at all upset by it, only embarrassed that he got lost...he was aiming for the restroom but clearly got very off course.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


This guy whips together a 60-piece puzzle in about five minutes.

He quotes a montage of movie lines as he goes. (With this puzzle it's mostly Cars lines.) It is very odd to observe...and of course super cute.

He also now refers to going #2 as "dropping off my dinner." (Always got to work in some potty humor. That's how we roll.)

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Monday, April 8, 2013

My little old man

Me: "Did you find your lunchbox today?"
Ridge: "Sadly, no. I'm sorry mom."

"Sadly no?" What 6 yr old says that?

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