Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Santa and the Halloween Eggs

Sawyer, while browsing the Halloween aisle at Target:

Mama who comes at Halloween? Does Santa come hide the eggs at Halloween?

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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Dance party ready

I've been clearing out outgrown clothes and unused toys and books in Sawyer's room. He pulled out Ridge's old Elvis Halloween costume tonight and asked, "how come I never wear this? It could be good for a dance party...or Kung fu."

And to think I almost set it free!!!

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Cuties for my Cutie

We have arrived. He is peeling his own oranges (and not wetting the bed)! Keeps him out of trouble (the orange peeling)...like a little guy Rubix cube. Can you overdose on vitamin C?

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Sunday, September 1, 2013

Ridge's Red Ryder

Our big boy saved his tooth fairy and other funds and got himself a Red Ryder BB gun that he shot for the first time today in Gilmer. We tore up a few paper plates and soda cans. It was fun!

In other news related to Ridge's personal finances, $5 was withdrawn from his jelly jar to replace a (really cool Iron Man) lunch box he lost on the THIRD day of school. (He bought his lunch on day 2.)

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