Saturday, August 28, 2010 many great words

So, I am babysitting a friend's newborn's mom and dad's first outting. I forgot how sweet and innocent these little critters are! And I can't believe mine, at least the first, gave me so much grief. One newborn is downright relaxing, compared to Sawyer.

Speaking of my dear Sawyer, who is just 11 days shy of being 1 1/2, he is off to the races with the words! It's so crazy to us since Ridge didn't speak a lick until he was 2. Sawyer's words are super cute. There are many more, but the ones that come to mind are:
  • Grammy! Her picture popped up on our PC screen saver and he called it. We couldn't believe it.
  • "Hep" (help),
  • Cheese (for a camera, or anything that looks vaguely like a camera, and sometimes for the food too),
  • mommy (he says this A LOT, sometimes for my amusement with an exclamation mark on it - MaMi!, and sometimes when he is feeling pitiful and then it's a much longer word - MaaaaaMeeeeeee)
  • He'll "sush" you, with his finger over his pursed lips and usually right on up his nose.
I know there are many more that just escape me at the moment. Shoes and dog are still his big, favorite words.

He gave some big love to Grammy today. She popped in for a visit, after weeks of not seeing the little guys. Sawyer lunged for her. He really rarely does that for anyone but mama. It was AWESOME! So stinking sweet. These boys have awesome grandmothers and they know it! (He gets all a flutter when we mention Nana too.)

Big excitement at our house today...water leakage behind the boys' bathroom wall. GREAT! What is it with us and water issues? So, we're now being forced into finishing what we've started with this bathroom.

Anyway, Ridge was mystified and, I think, a little scared about the wall being torn down and seeing the plumbing, insulation and, of course, water. He got really into it though and wanted to discuss (with Daddy) and explain (to me, in the most interesting terms) the issue. Ultimately, we had the pleasure of a Saturday visit from a plumber who Ridge referred to as "the fixer." He jumped right into "man of the house" character, following Daddy and the plumber around and helping out by holding the flashlight.

Both boys started the new, official school year at their preschool this week. We are super pleased with their new teachers. Sawyer's class is a little smaller, which makes me feel good, and his teachers are lovely. They too have been wowed by his vocabulary explosion. We're also all laughing at how he likes to gasp at everything...totally for effect. He's making jokes!

Ridge's teacher is Mrs. Burt. She told me on the first day that she was so excited to have Ridge in her class because he's just such a sweet boy. Awe! Couldn't agree more. It means everything to me to know that their 8:30-4:30, Mon-Thurs caretakers appreciate them and celebrate their milestones.

Can't add photos right now, on account of being at Nate's place, but will soon post pics from our wonderful week in Maine last week.

Nate's stirring. Better run!

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