Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Brotherly love

With Sawyer solid on his feet and starting to talk, the boys are really starting to play together! HAPPY DAY! Having them two years apart is starting to seem slightly less insane.

They wrestle. Well, mostly Sawyer thrusts himself upon Ridge and Ridge pushes him off, which makes Sawyer laugh. But they do have a real, two-way wrestling thing on the trampoline. They say "HUG" and then hug and fall over on each other. It freaks me out because I'm just sure someone's going to get crushed. But I'm so happy they're interacting and enjoying each other, I just have to suck it up and let it go!

They also cheers each other all meal long. Sawyer just discovered the action and the word. He'll do it a dozen times/meal, if not more. Ridge indulges him. They laugh. It's pretty great.

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