Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sawyer Keeping Christ in Christmas

So, as we're driving to East TX to celebrate Christmas with the Hancock family, Sawyer starts talking about Jesus, or so we thought. Our hearts were delighted at the notion that our fine young son was keeping Christ in Christmas, recognizing that the holidays are a time to reflect upon God's great love for us and his gift of Jesus to be a light unto the world. Then we realized we'd just passed a Chuck E. Cheese and he was asking if we could go to Cheeses.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sawyer is arguing heartily with me that what is on my shirt is not a button, it is a wheel.

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Location:Tomato tomato

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Sawyer names his turds. You read that right. I just overheard him name the morning's movement Matador. Tere went in to wipe him and said, "that's no Matador, that's Jabba the Hut!"

Ahhh...life with boys!

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

If you will excuse me...

Ridge is big into drawing houses now....the square house with the triangle roof. Tonight when I wen to tuck him in, he gave me a picture and said, "I drew this for you and Daddy. It has houses and hotels and other things. But as you can see, I'm not finished with it, so if you'll excuse me now, I can finish."

I wonder if he's thinking that by talking is such a mature way I will think he's older and doesn't need to go to bed!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Love...all the way to Target

I have just gathered myself from the puddle on the floor to jot down a conversation with Ridge tonight.

Ridge: Mom, I love you. I love you all the way to Pluto and Jupiter and Mars and the Red Planet and to Target!

Me: Bud, I cannot top that. You win. You have the most love. But why do you love me.

Ridge: Because God loves you, I love you too.


Here are my silly boys before Western Day at school on 10/7/11.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sawyer's peanuts

Might be time to loosen Sawyer's carseat. When I snapped him in this afternoon, he exclaimed, "owwwy...my peanuts!"

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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Last paci post

Should be. I think. I hope.

Sawyer (and Tere) took his remaining two butterfly pacis to Toys R Us yesterday and used them as currency to purchase a new toy. We talked about it in the morning and he'd agreed a "big Buzz" (as in Lightyear) would be worth two pacis. Sadly, there was no big Buzz to be had, but still he took the whole exchange like the strong little man that he is. Tere said he flung the bag o' pacis on the counter without hesitation. He didn't nap well yesterday and had a fussy hour or two that he would normally have been napping (and sucking). But he was fine and sweet the rest of the day...playful and silly as ever. He woke up entirely too early today, but he didn't come into our room last night asking for help finding the butterfly paci so mission accomplished!

Love this sweet muffin.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Last week, I put Sawyer in some Batman PJs...the big boy kind, not the fitted ones. He looks down, taking himself in, then exclaims, "I. Look. Awesome!!!"

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Location:I look awesome!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Princess Mama

Sawyer (to Ridge's friend Luke): That my mommy. She good. She a princess.

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Monday, September 12, 2011


Clever title, eh?

Documenting this for the day we wonder when our little prodigy got started...graduation from Booker T. magnet for the arts, college scholarships, a starring role in the symphony...you know, all that.

Ridge had his first violin lesson tonight. It was awesome. He was more engaged than I've ever seen him be in one thing for a full 45 minutes. His instructor, Mrs. DiCostas, made it very fun and seemed to be impressed and amused by him. With little prompting or explanation, he could tell her the parts of the instrument...stuff I didn't know, or know he knew. (And he was kind enough to explain to the teacher the ways in which it was similar to his guitar.) Then she showed him the strings and what note each represented. He could pluck them right out by name in no time - E, A, D and G. Then she played pop goes the weasel and he got to make the pop noise at the end by plucking the A. He was so impressed with himself.

It was a proud and precious time.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hancock Boys

We are getting more and more pictures of them loving on eachother. There is hope yet! I have several (OK, maybe two) from our trip to Put in Bay where they have their arms around eachother. I really never thought I'd see the day.

Thorsen took this one when we were in Hunt. The girl is rocking the camera and I'm incredibly grateful for the good photos. (She took the pics of us in front of the Dalewood house too.) It is no small task getting all four of us smiling at the right time.

Need butterfly paci to calm down!!!

I just wanted to jot this down before I forget. Sawyer's new ploy/line to get a pacifier, which were eradicated for a week at the end of July and are now relagated to bedtime use, is, "need butterfly pathi (paci) to calm down!!!" The first time we heard this, Tere thought he said that he needed to "come down." That was funnier...in a creepy sort of way.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Has it really been since April?

Sheesh...I was on such a good roll. The boys do and say stuff so often that I mean to write down. I guess it's an overwhelming body of work!

Speaking of overwhelming, we are OUT of Dalewood...our first, sweet house. We all went back last night to say goodbye. Boo hoo hoo! I think even Ridge was a little emotional, but he was the only one of the Hancock men who may have shared my sentiment. Before we said farewell at Dalewood, we showed them their rooms at the new house, which Grammy had lovingly arranged down to the last detail, including books ordered by fiction and nonfiction. They were both over-the-moon excited about their new, bigger space. Ridge thanked us. That boy can be impressively grateful at times. (He can also dazzle us with his 4-year-old sense of entitlement.)

Anyway, we're driving away from the house with me all misty eyed and Sawyer belts out, "we all live in a lello submarine, a lello submarine, a lello submarine." Just this part of the chorus, over and over. Then he starts, "good day sunshine, good day sunshine." And in closing, "we all live in an orange submarine." I think he just did that last part to irritate OCD big bro who was quick to correct and frustrated when his instruction didn't take.

Friday, April 29, 2011

To infinity and beyond! Sort of

Buzz Lightyear's "to infinity and beyond!" line is uttered around here, in its varying forms, at least 25 times a day. Sawyer says, "to intimity and blond!" Ridge says, "to eggfinity hat be on!" Sawyer can't step off a crack in the sidewalk without jumping with two feet and exclaiming, "to intimity and BLOOOND!!!"

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Happy Birthday Abraham Ham Slam

Ridge just informed me that today is his other Dad's birthday. Abe is 15! He and the mom are staying home from school and work to play. Ridge is giving him toys and "those fish candy that you like, mom. I like those too. (pause) I guess I like all candies."

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

Ridge's "other dad

Is named Abraham Ham Slam.
Sawyer's is Mr Taterhead.

Ridge often speaks of his other parents and residences...not in an angry way, more of an imagination thing. Sawyer is just piling on.

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Driving by CC Young, the old folks home under construction by our house.

R: can we go see our new house when it's done?
Me: that place is for old people like Scooter Grandma.
R: and you?


He also said he is three minutes from hungry. Huh?

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Friday, April 1, 2011

Poop King

Ridge was walking his "dog," which is a microphone pulled by its cord, and told me that he was going to collect the dog's poop and take it to the doggy doctor. Oh my! He is scarred if even the microphone dog is suspected of having the intestinal virus (which has long been eradicated from this house).

Speaking of poop, because isn't that what we do here?, the boys are fighting for the title of "Poop King." Sawyer uses his little potty, and then they fight over who will dump it.

Ridge: "I'm Poop King!"
Sawyer: "NOOOOO! I Poop King!"

That sounds all fine and good...like it might be helpful. But they tend to slosh along the way and Sawyer's been known to dump it without first putting the lid up. Sheesh.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Thanks Colonel Sanders

For the first time ever, Ridge complimented dinner. On his way to bed, "mom, that sure was a good dinner we had tonight!" It is always when I put my best foot forward that the boys are completely and silently enthralled with the meal.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Good news, loyal followers! There is a Starbucks near Ridge's apartment (6-100) in California AND he has an apartment in Texas.

I, for one, am way more relaxed now about that big for sale sign in the yard.

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Location:Good News

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sawyer Sayings

Sawyer has so much funny stuff to say these days. Last night he was looking at a book. (He loves to "read" and will do it quietly and independently for minutes on end.) The book showed an illustration of baby Moses in a basket in the river. He brought it to me and said, "oh no mommmy! Help baby!" He may have a more kind heart than he lets on.

He also told me this morning, "I stirsty." I love that word. It's right there with Ridge's badeddi. They'll likely go to college saying these things because we never correct it.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


There is a for sale sign in our yard! Ridge asked why and where would we go. He remembered tge whole selling thing and I explained the tricky fact that we have no place to go. He offered that we could stay at his apartment, 6-100. Its in California, he says. The good news is that it's by the beach. The bad news is, it's a long drive, "but that's OK because I have a black car with a DVD player."

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Adventures in Potty Training

Round II is on....only one year after round I. The older bro is inspiring on this front, as is preschool.

This post gets kind of personal, so stop now if you're not OK with that.

Where Ridge feared the poo, Sawyer is super amused by it. Surprise, right? He is a proud pooper. He gets on the throne, grunts and pushes, smiles and laughs, and with each excretion wants to flip over and have a look at what he's created. Then he wants to flush it and do it all over again. This is messy and disgusting...but not as disgusting as cleaning poop out of the tub which was happening way too often. When the weather warms, we'll give undies and naked time in the backyard a whirl. Seems crazy early, but he's into it, so we'll strike while the iron's hot and see what comes of it.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Missing Daddy

Ridge: I really wish Daddy was home. (Tere is going to Chicago today.)
Me: Awe, that's nice! Why? Because he is fun?
Ridge: Yeah, and he burps a lot.

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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Jacket Off!

Sawyer is talking so much. I was charmed to pieces when he said to me tonight, "jacket off, mommy!" So I went to report to Tere Sawyer's budding and exciting vocabulary. As I was saying it, I realized how truly genius he is. Repeat, "jacket off mommy." Dear.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I think everyone who lives in TX is at least somewhat familiar with the slightly annoying (Or is he charming?) Whataburger voice. Tere taught the boys this little Stupid Baby Trick during the Chocolate Brownie Pie promotion. We are sad that the promotion is over, but its legacy lives on at the Hancock house.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


$5 to anyone who can tell us what he's saying. (There's a comment section here, right?) Hint...it's in response to my asking him about Valentines Day songs he's learning at school. His class will perform in the Valentine show. Should be interesting. While we're talking $, any of you loyal followers (both of you) care to wager on whether or not he'll cry or sing during the 2/11 show?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Think He's Growing?

At 22 months (but who's counting), Sawyer has for breakfast...a cup of milk, 1 1/2 bananas, 2 turkey sausage patties, one waffle and one scrambled egg...and pleads for "mo pleeeeth!" (Thumb to palm to sign it in addition to saying it to stress his dire situation.) If this is any indication of the boy's eating habits, we better start stock piling now.

The drive to school was quiet today on account of Ridge being on a conference call. He introduced himself at the top of the call, "hello...Sir Toppum Hat here!" That's the conductor (I think?) in Thomas the Train. Funny funny kid.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Goody two shoes

Ridge told me last night that Ms. Burt has moved him to a table with Alec and Casey to "keep them calm." He's proud of his new post and responsibilities. His BFF Anna is there too. I suspect they anchor the table of six. Dear! Goody two shoes in the making...at 4! I guess it could be worse.

Sawyer, meanwhile, remains OBSESSED with buses. With his lisp, it's "BUTH!!!!" He can spot them a mile off. The appearance of a bus will always turn a tantrum around...very handy when we've tragically driven passed a park ("Go DEEES WAY!!!!!) that we can't visit.

Sawyer seems to have, in just the past week or two, matured a lot. He's talking more, tantrumming less, and getting his brotherly fun on more and more often. The countdown to two is on...less than two months!