Thursday, February 24, 2011

Adventures in Potty Training

Round II is on....only one year after round I. The older bro is inspiring on this front, as is preschool.

This post gets kind of personal, so stop now if you're not OK with that.

Where Ridge feared the poo, Sawyer is super amused by it. Surprise, right? He is a proud pooper. He gets on the throne, grunts and pushes, smiles and laughs, and with each excretion wants to flip over and have a look at what he's created. Then he wants to flush it and do it all over again. This is messy and disgusting...but not as disgusting as cleaning poop out of the tub which was happening way too often. When the weather warms, we'll give undies and naked time in the backyard a whirl. Seems crazy early, but he's into it, so we'll strike while the iron's hot and see what comes of it.

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