Monday, February 11, 2013

Big Baby

It's been a long time since I photographed my big baby sleeping. I thought tonight's display was noteworthy. He quit wearing a shirt at bedtime a few weeks ago...mid January, when everyone starts shedding layers. Now medieval weaponry is making its way to bed. My quirky little man. So much love.

Another little Ridge funny. This evening when we loaded up to go to the gym, he warned "you know, they don't have the specials anymore." There has been a generic "specials" banner outside the gym for a week or two and he has been eager to check out said specials. Specials are also the special activities at school like PE, music an art. So aware, that one. Always looking out for our best interests. Well, apparently the specials sign has only blown over so there is hope for us yet.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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