Monday, February 10, 2014

Under No Circumstances!

Sawyer's new favorite catch phrase is "under no circumstances!" He uses it sternly and wrong every time. So, for instance, he's constantly assigning us all roles to play. Dad, "you are the green Ninjago...under no circumstances!" Don't know where it comes from (truly).

Lego's Ninjago is his bag now too. He claims to be a "master or spinjitsu," whatever that is. His interests are getting less cute by the year, from Cars to Ninja Turtles (still a major fav) to Ninjago.

We're getting ready to have a Ninjago party for his 5th birthday. FIVE, people. He is weeks away from being FIVE!

Here he is all geared up for last week's snow day!

Here is the first day of pretty. They were in school when it came down.

The next day was less impressive.

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