Monday, December 29, 2014

Trip from Santa

Off to a rough start with a family stomach bug/elevation sickness/car sickness. The drive to Big Bear was nuts with bumper to bumper traffic and we were paralyzed by the crowds on day 1 but we managed some sledding and loved spending time with the Snyder family. Their boy Jude is a dreamy fun two year old and they really treated us, taking care of meals and a lovely home.

We made it to Blue Jay after the Cowboy game (win!) yesterday, giving me time for the tummy to settle after my go with the stomach issue. Enjoyed a hike around the cabin and it just is always nice to be here...takes me back in a great way!
FINALLY, today we mostly all feel well (Sawyer still has complaints, but he is the little boy who cried wolf.) and crowds are better because it's Monday. We went tubing. So fun!

Everyday they ask how many more to expected!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Dream Day

Is it weird, wrong or unusual that when a day or holiday is as nice as this one was I start to worry that something bad is on the horizon? That there's some karmic equilibrium to be reinstated lest my head or heart will burst? Yeah, I think that's weird too. And so I write about our lovely day.

Warm 7 am "mommy! daddy! get up! get up! Santa came!" wake up call from Sawyer was followed by a less-than-ideal visit from Ridge who informed us he puked in the night. (Details spared.) But he seemed fine so we went off to do gifts. While appreciative, they didn't fully "get" the big deal of the trip we've given them to Cali, departing tomorrow. It was good we had two other things for each to open and they'd been showered upon by doting Nana and Big Daddy just days before. They got more and more excited about the trip as it sunk in throughout  the day.

I have a cute video which Blogger won't let me share and photos on the real camera but here are the fake boarding passes and Disney Gift Cards that were attached to balloons.

We had a lovely family brunch where, for the first time thanks to the new dining set, we could all sit together! Really enjoyed that. Our stocking game was fun and we made some plans for making it better next year. We were so pleasantly surprised that Kyle and Staci donated to Pine Cove on mine and Tere's behalf so that kids who can't afford it can go! Awesome! (My brother is tops!) 

The boys received more gifts that they were super pumped about from Grammy and Opa and Aunt Staci and Uncle Kyle. We wrapped up sitting out by the fire on a beautiful day.

So, maybe bad juju need not be served me. Maybe I just need to sleep off this food and not hold back on enjoying a whole nuther week o' fun with my Hancock Boys!

Christmas Eve

It's been a pretty dreamy day. We kicked it off watching Aidan play in the downtown Dallas Tuba Christmas show.
Then had a great lunch at Grammy and Opa's and enjoyed meeting Aidan's new girlfriend, April. I imagine this won't be her last holiday with us. Great gal! 

As we were leaving, I asked the boys to clean upstairs, where they play. In about 5 minutes Sawyer had created what he called the Bethlem Star. Impressive eh?

This is the same angel who, the night before while we were sitting on the couch watching The Grinch said, all I need for Christmas is you (pointed to mom), you (pointed to Ridge), you (pointed to Dad) and you (pointed up). 

The faith is strong in that one!

Nice service at Grammy and Opa's church. 

Watched A Christmas Story and read books from Nana before filling balloons for the morning's surprise which we just hope is somewhere in the ballpark of the greatness it is in our heads. 

Hearts chock full as we go to bed!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Birthday Bear

It's been a fun two days celebrating with this big boy. Yesterday, a trip to play games with school and baseball buddies at Dave & Busters. Today, school party, mini golf and dinner out.
He provided specific instructions about the cake and we wound up with this fine looking Minecraft specimen.

Grammy and Opa came over for good old fashion spaghetti and a nice second wave of celebration

Today, on his real birthday, we did cookies in the classroom. Then we skipped out of school a little early and took just Ridge for a round of mini golf. He said he missed Sawyer. Those two are best buds!
Beautiful day. A sweet time for us with the place to ourselves. We ended the day at his favorite restaurant...a chicken wing joint! A full 30 hours of celebration!

I'm afraid I'll blink again and he will be driving. This is the half way mark! It. Is. So. Fast! [insert tear here]

Thank you dear Lord for loving us so much to entrust us with this amazing little man. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Ridge's teacher, Mrs. Bradley, kicked off parent-teacher conference today with, "Ridge is such a smart boy." It ended with, "yall are doing a great job." Ahhh...dreamy stuff right there. This on the heals of his Citizenship Award for showing kindest and respect. (On pajama day.) He was beaming with pride, probably kinda like how we felt today.

Sawyer is bringing home more positive than negative notes (about his wriggly, giggly, class-clown ways) over the past week so that is also cause for celebration! He also brought home this piece of artwork.
Turns out that's the tail end of a paper bag turkey. Not a great stand alone piece of art!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Christmas wishes

Sawyer and I passed a man on a Rascal scooter in WalMart yesterday. (No way you say? True story.) Sawyer's next words to me were, "can you put one of those on my Christmas know, those chairs with a motor that you can drive?"

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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Nighttime scene

Sawyer often sets up these little "scenes," we call them, at bedtime. When I went in to turn off his lamp tonight, I found this one...

And earlier today. (Yes, it's the end of October. He didn't get past his knees.)

And we had lunch together at school Friday. He picked this cutie to sit with us. Taylor...

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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Parting pic

I asked the boys for a fresh pic to take with us on our 10th anniversary celebration trip to Costa Rica. They offered this pose. Personalities shining through...

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Sunday, July 27, 2014

This week in Sawyer

First, he hid Charlie and the Chocolate Factory because, he said, once we figured it out after searching for it for two nights, "mom was reading to Ridge too much!" We were lecturing about honesty and jealousy through the giggles.

Just now, we asked what his class talked about in Sunday school today an he said, "this guy. John the Baptist. He ate bugs and honey and stuff. Gross huh?" That is all. That's what the lesson was about.

Last night we had a mommy/daddy and Sawyer date while Ridge was at a sleepover. Nice treat for him to get all our attention!

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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Keepin it real

As I was putting the boys to bed tonight, we talked about how much fun we're having on vacation and I said, "wouldn't it be great if we could do this all the time?" Ridge said, "well, no, because we would miss tests and fall behind in school!"

We had a really sweet memorable day just the three of us!

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Monday, July 14, 2014

After the jellyfish sting

First nap in as long as I can remember!

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People Pleaser?

A sign that Sawyer might be a people pleaser...after getting stung by a jellyfish he asks "do you think the jellyfish don't like me?!?" He really believes he has some control over the ocean...waves, marine life and all. (All that Jedi/ninja living he does.) Getting stung stung not only his leg but his pride.

Having a ball!

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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Summer Days

These hot and shirtless days of summer are excellent for perfecting the art of armpit farting and trying to teach it to your little brother. I continue to suggest (in vein) that Ridge (who is an amazingly strong reader) teach Sawyer (who can't identify the word "I," bless and love him) to read. But armpit fart noises win out every time.

I'm laughing right along with them. Can't say I mind at all. But I can still wish there was some reading track in Ridge's mentorship.

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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Rejoicing over poured milk

Ridge poured both boys milk tonight at dinner, without being asked. And he made their side...microwaved peas.

Getting all growed up!


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Sunday, June 1, 2014

Peach and Brown Pals

Sawyer asked me this evening if his buddy Yates' skin would become peach because "it's only light brown now." He seems quite convinced Yates is soon to be peach.

He is out of White Rock North school and gets to spend two days this week with his best bud. They're a sweet pair!

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

We are quickly dissolving into summertime mode. Both boys were still awake at 10 tonight. School? What school? The morning should be fun.

It was kind of worth it when I walked in to find littlest man "doing his homework." That tongue was wagging as he wrote out the alphabet, referencing a stencil for guidance.

And before that...

One more for good measure!

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Monday, March 24, 2014


Sawyer is all kinds of obsessed with being a ninja these days. Like all Eastern arts, this involves meditating. He sits cross legged, hands on knees, palms facing up, eyes closed. (I can't imagine these are long sessions.) Tere caught him in (in)action yesterday and asked him if he was meditating. He no, "I am mastertating." (This is apparently what ninja masters do, as opposed to the everyday pedestrian ninja!) Hmmmm....???

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Now this is getting fun

Ridge's baseball team killed it today. It was so fun! They're hitting, fielding and running like big boys. It was so exciting to watch! Not surprising to all you who know me, I got a little choked up!

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Parent of the year award goes to...

So, we might have used one of the kids lunch boxes to tote beer to the hot tub after skiing during spring break. Awesomely, we left a beer cap in it which apparently went with Ridge to school today. While we were in the (full) classroom for open house this evening, Sawyer whips out the beer cap and exclaims loudly, "look guys, there's beers in here!"


Maybe that's all OK since he did find Jesus when we stopped in Ft Sumner to see Billy the Kid's grave. Proud, excited and bewildered to find the son of God right there by the outlaw!

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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Happy Birthday Sawyer

As he was blowing out the candles in Durango on Monday, Sawyer asks, "mommy, how did I get out of your tummy? Did it hurt? Was it gross?"

Dear God we love him so. Thank you!

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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Dinner time prayer

"Dear God - please make this food give me big muscles a boxer. And thank you for my family."


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Saturday, February 15, 2014


I have created monsters...they totally curled up their faces in disgust at the prospect of frozen waffles and said, "why not homemade? It's Saturday?"

So I go to All Recipes and search "easy waffles." Next think I know I am separating eggs and beating whites until the start to form peaks. Sheesh!

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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sawyer quote of the day

"Mom, will you tell Ms. Fernandez I'm blind so I can wear these sunglasses all day."

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Monday, February 10, 2014

Under No Circumstances!

Sawyer's new favorite catch phrase is "under no circumstances!" He uses it sternly and wrong every time. So, for instance, he's constantly assigning us all roles to play. Dad, "you are the green Ninjago...under no circumstances!" Don't know where it comes from (truly).

Lego's Ninjago is his bag now too. He claims to be a "master or spinjitsu," whatever that is. His interests are getting less cute by the year, from Cars to Ninja Turtles (still a major fav) to Ninjago.

We're getting ready to have a Ninjago party for his 5th birthday. FIVE, people. He is weeks away from being FIVE!

Here he is all geared up for last week's snow day!

Here is the first day of pretty. They were in school when it came down.

The next day was less impressive.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Easter Origins

I'm sitting in my office tending to some personal biz on the laptop when Ridge comes in and says, "did you know Easter was started in 1930?" Here I'd been assuming it was started more closely following the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Sometime later he comes back with Boys Life Magazine book marked and adds, "here case you wanted to read that article about Easter." boy just bookmarked an interesting article for me to read. What the?

Meanwhile, Sawyer's hollering from his bed how he's starving and "can you make the biggetht, bethtest breftest ever the in whole world tomorrow?" (He was too busy goofing off during dinner and the kitchen closed before he had his fill.)